Saturday, August 15, 2015

22 Ingredients to Tell a Good Story

He spent much time Steve Jobs bought Pixar in a much lower figure of which he got when he sold it. And some time passed since the news today no longer want to share news. Anyway I think his value is still rising today. Like what happened between the purchase and sale of Steve, the company began to tell good stories, with talented people to serve the people as one.

Today I want to post about something that has been known for a couple of months as "The 22 rules of storytelling of Pixar" makes but with a much more appropriate to our subject title, and we do not like to talk about rules, which generally threaten the magic. The same magic that Toy Story, Wall-E or Finding Nemo knew deliver on its development and caused the value of the company from firing.

Why we not talk about rules, or storytelling as a technique but "tell a good story." A set of elements to decorate any story, even if you do not have the time or budget there at Pixar. Since advertising anything in a world that makes liquid stream content to every corner, knowing a good story should be a focus or learning to account.

The history of these 22 ingredients born when Emma Coats decided to tweet what you learned at Pixar and continued as a graphic designer put images form accompanying each of the tips now complete the post of the day. And though maybe someone has seen, no one should miss.
Perhaps as editor is great, but also as a designer or anyone who wants to sell an intangible. The stories are units that generate knowledge and communicate empathy not a product but a mission.
And of course, Pixar is beyond good and evil. But with these safe ingredients that have stories that touch you, surely they know better.

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